Roopokar Creative Studio is one of the leading website development and digital marketing company in Bangladesh is now celebrating its 6 year Anniversary. As a website design and development company in Dhaka, Bangladesh Roopokar Creative Studio is serving the local and global market since 2009. It believes that Website Design, Digital Marketing Mobile App Development with Stunning Results can bring the difference to any business.
Online Selling Strategy
In this past 6 years Roopokar has developed more than 300 different website for almost 250 different clients. The variety of its work and the heavy portfolio shows its wide range of website design and development. Not only website design and development but also Roopokar is specialize on digital marketing.
Although its’ core service Website Design and Development but over 6 years of online presence and creating online branding awareness and brand placing for 200 clients makes us unique from the rest. For its vast expertise in digital marketing there are services such as:
• Strategy & Consulting • Software Development
• Facebook Campaign • Video Production
• App Development • Android and IOS
• Digital Advertising • app development
• Search Engine Optimization
In this happy event of Roopokar Creative Studio it is offering free online selling strategy for the SME or any big corporation. If you visit the portfolio of Ropokar you will see that it has worked with big & established brand in the country such as Partex Star Group, Pran, Arong, Ahsan Group and also outside the country such as http://renefris.com/ , http://area9learning.com/ and so on. The vast area of variety of client handling and knowing their product and services gives Roopokar a wide range of online product and service marketing ontological knowledge.
On this very happy moment of Roopokar Creative Studio it is sharing it’s knowledge of online selling to the community. No matter if you own a small business or a marketing/brand manager of a big corporation online presence is must to obtain today’s market. For effective online presence you need a customized online selling strategy dedicated toward your business. Roopokar Creative Studio is offering your once in a life time opportunity for your business to get this free services. The services include
a) Customized Website Planning
b) Strategically Consulting on Social Media Marketing
c) One Online Banner for Your (1) Product/Service
d) Any Creative design for add for Your (1) Product/Service
If you want toavail the opportunity please do contact +88 02 58 07 02 08 or Hotline +88 01730 64 25 25. Or you can send us email at sales@roopokar.com. We are always near to you Stay connected at https://www.facebook.com/roopokar for more offers and opportunity. To know more please do visit www.roopokar.com