Why Online Inventory Management System is so important

Online inventory management is the same as the traditional management system but online, which has its advantages and disadvantages.   Businesses that are growing today more than one branch and office in different locations from where tracking inventory managing can be tricky and hazardous. Here comes the main benefit of an online system that integrates and…

Department of IPE, BUET

Client: Industrial & Production Engineering, BUET Task: Website Development Industrial and Production Engineering is an engineering discipline that is greatly valued internationally. It has been contributing enormously to the improvement of productivity and operations as well as the operating conditions of numerous organizations all over the world. In Bangladesh, the esteemed arena of Industrial and Production Engineering…

Payroll system in Bangladesh, keep yourself out of trouble – Best HR Software in Bangladesh as Fierce as RuPaul.

He hopes an automated system like HR Software to record, manage, and maintain all the human resource activities and payment procedures for each of his employees because a small mistake can make the whole process a grey shade. He finds many other problems with payroll systems by manual human resource management.

Infrared Thermometer

বর্তমান করোনা (কোভিড-১৯) এর কারণে infrared thermometer আমাদের জরুরী পণ্য হয়ে উঠেছে।

এই প্রযুক্তিটির নাম ইনফ্রারেড থার্মোমিটার (Infrared Thermometer) যা মানবদেহের কাছাকাছি আনলে তাপমাত্রার পরিমাপ বের করে দিবে অনায়াসে। লেজার এবং ইনফ্রারেড রশ্মির মাধ্যমে কোন স্পর্শ ছাড়াই যেকোনো স্থানের বা মানবদেহের তাপমাত্রা মুহূর্তেই বের করা সম্ভব এই থার্মোমিটারের সাহায্যে।