Amazon.com has change the way of shopping. People use to go to the shopping mall or a particular shop chooses their items pay and take their need to their home. But now days a young man from California ordering new LED t-shirt via online and the t-shirt is produce in Thailand procured and delivered by China base fashion house through FedEx or UPS. In another case my friend from Houston is ordering 5 pieces of I phone charger and get it less than the local market price. E-bay, amazon and many other online ecommerce sites are changing the usual shopping habit of all over the world. So if you want to reach to the global market within one click you have to have a ecommerce site for all of your product. We are here for you for your own e-commerce website development in Bangladesh.
Roopokar Creative Studio is one of the largest and famous IT firm & website development companies in Bangladesh. If you are thinking for your ecommerce site we are the right choice for you. Because we have the utmost efficient and diversified team consists with experience graphic designers, 3D animist, web developer and programmers. We care for your ecommerce site and any other site you will construct with us. When we work we like to work like the professionals. That’s why we always make sure that there are some items that need special attentions in your site such as.
The site is Easy to navigate: A mistake people often make is to “over-organize” products into subcategories. This makes it difficult to navigate. So we believe simplicity can be a great style where people can find their need easily.
The Site is Easy to search: the site should be very easy to search and the products and services could be arranging like simple search or advanced search category. So we also carefully design your site so that it can show almost every web browser and we thoroughly work on the SEO so your site comes as one or the major sites in any search engine.
Cool Product Photos: First impression matters so we use the best images provided by the client and if in need we do the digital fabrication for the most attractive photos for your products. All images used should clearly depict the product or service. Ensure that you optimize your images for rapid download.
Product descriptions & data: people ought to know before they buy any product or service so we try to put every bit of information about your product or services as much as it needed to attract the customers. Product explanations should be enticing and profits oriented. In adding there can be product particulars which contain specifications. Shipping load should always be indicated.
Additional convenience features: we always do like in store or in stock, related items, etc. Site shoppers like to know if the item is in stock and if so, the estimated time of delivery. or they can find it near store located in their community.
Incorporate social media: For any site or your own e-commerce site social media plays a big part such as SEO and back links. But placing all social media links on your site is not a easy task. They need to be sited somewhere that does not dominate the page, yet hiding them away will reduce them useless. Just a modest click to share some great photo of your products or services or social welfare program could attract many many businesses that you may not imagine, for that reason find the correct way to incorporate with all social media.
Shipping: when any customer purchases their product or service they are very egar to get it as early as possible so shipping info is one of the major parts for your e-commerce website. Most of the people are worried that if they will get the item in time or not, or at the charge they have in their mind. All the shipping arrangements must include like overnight delivery and an inexpensive delivery.
An e-commerce store is a shop that has no physical positioning but online existence, so treat it like your shop. You need to take it as it your real shop and furnished it like it really exist in somewhere near the potential customers and here comes to the professionals like Roopokar Creative Studio. We can offer you the most cost efficient e-commerce websitein Bangladesh.