The best website design company in Bangladesh: Before the internet, the electronics and devices gave us a new dimension. But now, the modern world is highly dependent on the Internet. It has made our life easier and comfortable. So, what’s next? The answer is the Internet of Things or in short IoT. By combining devices and internet we get Internet of Things (IoT).
Our Practical Life
Imagine you are having a heart attack and there is no one there around you. What would you do? The first thing that you should do is call the ambulance considering that you have the phone number of one or an emergency number that you can rely on. If you don’t have these facilities you will have to find a number to call the ambulance, explain your urgency and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Then the ambulance goes to street carrying you predicting the fastest way to the hospital. You are fighting against time and the ambulance took you through a lot of traffic, killing your precious time by not knowing but using intuition to decide the fastest route. After that when you arrive at the medical center the doctor urges you to answer some questions about your current condition and finally, you are getting some medical attention. After hours of pain and trouble, you get some medical support while your future hangs on the line of life and death. Would you be happy about this?
The Unrealistic Life?
What if when you were feeling sick your wristwatch measured your blood pressure and heart rate automatically and informed a hospital about it, called an ambulance and gave one of your close ones a call? What do you think about this situation? Sounds unrealistic? Futuristic? Wrong. It’s possible and happens in the present. This is what internet of things (IoT) can do.
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the giant network of different devices or machines that we use in regular life and business environment which has internet connectivity, sensors and application software and enables the device to communicate, sense, analyze and function. In the system of Internet of Things, one device will communicate another and take necessary and logical steps. Things will happen automatically and will save us from a lot of hassles and day to day life mistakes. In simple words internet of things (IoT) is a lot of devices communicating and working by using the internet.
Easy Solution for Difficult Survival
With internet of things (IoT) a wrist watch can measure your heart rate, blood pressure and it can send the information to a hospital device. It will analyze the situation and notify the specialized doctor in their phone. The doctor can check the medical report and pre-arrange things for the patient before arrival. The wristwatch can notify your phone about the situation and one of your close ones could get notified about you and your hospital location. The wristwatch can also send the location information to a driverless ambulance and it can arrive right at the door of the patient. It can then carry the patient and take it to the hospital using the fastest route available. It can find the fastest route by getting traffic information from the people who are already on the road. Sensing the traffic, it can act by taking the ambulance to fastest route. By the time you have reached the hospital, you will find doctors waiting for you with urgent treatment equipment.
Here, we got the idea of how one device can talk to another and take actions without requiring any person’s attention. With internet of things (IoT), devices can communicate information, sense and analyze the environment and take action accordingly.
Booming Business World
Not only in personal life but in the world of the business Internet of things (IoT) can play major roles in various sectors. Starting from Product design, development, production to providing service, gathering feedback and enabling customers a better experience Internet of Experience (IoT) is everywhere. With the Internet of things (IoT), a business organization can automatically operate production having multiple steps. It can automatically identify functional errors of a product even after it gets sold and can arrange its service recovery system and decrease customer hassle resulting in happy and loyal customers. All targeted towards profitability.
For the better future, the world of technology is slowly moving towards the Internet of Things (IoT). There will be companies in future which will provide Internet of Things (IoT) facility such as Roopokar. Roopokar is a tech enthusiast company which is currently the best web design company in Bangladesh. It serves Web Design and Development for customers throughout the world. It has started serving customers from 2009 and made a wonderful line of happy customers. The best Web Design company in Bangladesh, Roopokar is looking forward to making digital Bangladesh an Internet of Things (IoT) friendly country. For more details check the website of Roopokar.
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