PHP is the heart of wordpress. Laravel is a framework of PHP which facilitates the website development process in various ways. Raw Php website development is always a good way to make a robust and fast website. But comparing to Laravel website development and WordPress website development, Php website development comes up with bit higher price. Laravel website developer in Bangladesh is easy to find and the Laravel websites are bit lesser in price compared to the websites created through raw PHP with other features same to php websites.
Overview of Laravel developers
The number of php website developers are high in Bangladesh. As Laravel is the most trendy and new framework of PHP, lots of Laravel website developers can be found for your website development project. Usually Laravel website developers know raw php. Sometimes they know wordpress but its very uncommon. Usually, the Laravel developers want to keep themselves bounded by only coding not other things like photoshop, illustrator or WordPress. Its good in a sense that master of one thing is better than jack of all trades.
Some basic benefits of Laravel website development
Laravel website development in Bangladesh is cheaper than website development by other languages like python, dot net and so on. Lots of modules can be added easily by Laravel. Features like chatbot, animated slider, inquiry form, google map integration, video integration, percentage calculator, appointment booking module and lots of other features can be made without any trouble. Laravel is faster than wordpress website, we have said earlier.
Start your website development project with the best Laravel website developer in Bangladesh.
Roopokar is the best web design company in Bangladesh with a bunch of talented and experience Laravel website developer who can create your website according to your desire. The website will be fast, elegant, ergonomic and robust. Our after sales support is also cutting edge you can get the best after-sales support from us for any type of your project.