ERP solution in Bangladesh is a great way for businesses to transform into a rapid, fast and effective system in Bangladeshi region. With the blessing of ERP solution, companies can decrease layers of small to large operations for achieving one task.
ERP and Easy Survival in the Market
In today’s business world the acceptance of ERP solution is seen everywhere. Companies are using technology as much as they can because the use of technology is effective. Companies are constantly looking for better technology as technologies are getting upgraded and serving broader. But still, there are many companies that are not focused enough towards technology. Its okay if a company doesn’t want to improve its way of doing business or expand in the market with profit leverage but there is none who wants its business to get extinct. So, that’s why everyone is looking forward to using modern technology in their business as competitors are getting way ahead of them and becoming a threat to their survival by using technology.
ERP Solution in Bangladesh
Along with the modern world, Bangladeshi business is transforming day by day and they are using modern technologies. Organizations doing business in Bangladesh are also adapting to the use of technology. Nowadays, ERP solution in Bangladesh is more welcomed and seen. The use of quality ERP is increasing among the companies of this small and highly populated country. Though economically Bangladesh still hasn’t achieved a strong position, still organizations are investing in quality ERP solution as they have understood the importance of such technology. Roopokar is a top-notch software selling company in Bangladesh. It is one of the very companies that provide ERP solution in Bangladesh.
Now before we get to know more about the condition of ERP Solution in Bangladesh lets get know about ERP System.
What does ERP stand for?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Enterprise basically means company. Resource means resources of a company for example: Financial resources, Human Resource, product resource, inventory, information etc. Planning simply means finding the way of doing it.
What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?
It is basically a software system that enables a proper coordination among several sectors like the manufacturing, supply chain, material management, inventory, point of sales, purchase, trade, human resource etc. of a business. ERP system connects all the sectors and creates a common platform for monitoring and working. For example, an employee of the supply chain management department can track the progress of manufacturing department and can prepare himself accordingly if given access to the ERP software. By doing this the company doesn’t require any extra reporting resulting in zero communication error and waste of time.
By using Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) a company can gather data from all of the modules. Analyze them and transfer all its important data into information which means it gathers all the important data, organize them and make them easy to understand. Finally, it shows report about various matters to the users or the top-level management of a country.
The main function of ERP is basically making the task easy in multi-sectors of a business and coordinating them. Now there is various software that can help tackle work of different sectors. This different software works as multiple modules for ERP Solution system.
Accounting Software
Accounting software working as a module in ERP system can facilitate the collection and store of the cost of manufacturing/ cost of production. it also enables the users to predict the amount of production with the remaining fund. In ERP system accounting module can work with HR module and thus facilitate the salary distribution among employees. It can make the financial statement made easily.
POS Software
Point of sale software helps an organization with purchases and sells. It gathers sales data and purchases data. Information on the product that has been sold or purchased, information of the buyer or the seller and even the transaction amount. It can gather daily sales report, report on individuals’ seller or purchaser, adding product type and availability. In simple word, it facilitates transactions, gathers data, shows important report related to selling and purchasing.
Inventory management software
For big companies, it is very challenging to track their finished or unfinished goods. That is why companies choose to manage their inventory so that they save themselves from unnecessary product damage resulting into an unnecessary loss. This inventory management can be done easily by having this inventory management software. It can help track thousands of products and keep information stored. This software also notifies the delivery time and gives warning about late shipping issues.
Human Resource Management Software
With this module companies are now monitoring their employees’ activity. Employee attendance, entry time, over time hour, early leave, total work duration and lots of other information can be gathered by using human resource management software. Managing complex employees’ payment can be managed and even the expenses that had occurred can be tracked by HRM Module. Even holiday management, job application management and recruiting can be made easier with this HRM software. This module is mostly wanted by customers who have taken ERP solution in Bangladesh.
Customer Relationship Management Software
CRM Module is very important for businesses to do all the CRM activities as it facilitates and increases CRM efficiency by a lot. In posting on different social media account one might need to go manually and post one at a time. But with the help of CRM module, it is possible by simply clicking one button. Other than this CRM software can reply to customers online by giving auto-generated messages or Emails. It can also store the information of the customers and maintain a database.
Now, in ERP system all these software works as modules or parts of ERP software and communicates by sharing data. For example, if an expense is noted on HRM module it automatically triggers the accounting module and thus company saves multi-layers of work to simply to input data in accounting sector.
Why Use ERP solution in Bangladesh?
There are quite a large number of companies that are currently doing business inside Bangladesh. Bangladesh can be considered as a very challenging country to do business. So, with all the adversity, the business system is already complex in this country and companies are looking for smart ways to decrease complexity. As ERP solution in Bangladesh can help the companies to lower complexity and make tasks easier, a lot of companies are adopting it. Although, ERP can bring a one-time expense but in long run, it will bring low management cost, Manufacturing cost, will reduce redundancy flow of money, save time and make works easy and simple.
Where to get ERP for your company?
There are a few companies that are providing ERP solution in Bangladesh but it is rare to find companies that are actually providing quality ERP solution in Bangladesh. Roopokar is one of them. Roopokar can provide quality ERP solution in Bangladesh or outside the country border within a realistic feasible cost. Roopokar has a strong and dedicated team who are thriving hard to get the customers a better than expected service. Other than providing best ERP solution in Bangladesh, it also offers lots of other software. The modules that Roopokar offers with the ERP software are often provided as individual software to different companies. Roopokar has a good reputation as the best software company in Bangladesh. It offers various software like Human Resource Management (HRM) Software, Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Software, Points of Sales(POS) software, School Management Software etc. and giving them full on support.