Mobile Ready Website? Ok why is that? As one of the leading web design company in Bangladesh and one or the promising mobile app development company in Bangladesh we know for sure that if your website is not mobile ready then you are losing a huge portion of your business. Knowing your customers is not enough you have to know your customers better than your competitors only then you will achieve what you want.
One of the major cost effective marketing strategies is internet marketing. This preliminary means setting up a designated website for your business and attract visitors. Nowadays hundreds of thousands people are habituated of accessing into websites through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. So every business need to make a mobile ready site to stay ahead compare to their competitors.
How you know your website is mobile ready or not ? it is simple, Google makes it very easy to check your site on your own. Simply visit their Mobile-Friendly Test site, enter your URL and find out if it is or is not mobile ready.
Here are some reasons for making your site mobile ready:
Customer’s Preference:
Lot of customers prefer buying things on the internet. This is just so convenient for them to make a selection while they are going about their everyday tasks. Since mobile devices are the new way to access the internet, websites need to be mobile friendly. If a businesses do have a mobile friendly website, it loses out on those potential customers as well as reputation.
Increasing Use of Smart Phones:
Thanks to China smarts phones are no longer a part of rich and classy culture. Everybody can afford a smart phone today and more and more people have grown love them because of their friendly operating system and other features. Customers prefer shopping and even looking for restaurants on their smartphones. The best way to gain the business from smartphone users is to have a mobile friendly site. The use of smart phones will increase day by day so it is best to start early and establish a mobile friendly website.
Mobile Ready Sites Will Help Your Google Rankings:
Google is now taking mobile-friendliness into account when ranking websites. Beginning April 21st of this year, Google’s new ranking algorithm will benefit sites that are mobile-ready. In his article Is Your Website Ready to Google’s Big Mobile Update, Adam Dince of Deluxe.com writes, “When our websites aren’t easy to use on mobile devices, we send a message to people that we don’t care about their visits.” He adds that “Mobile must now be a priority for all businesses.”
If not Mobile Ready:
There are Some reasons for failing the mobile-friendly test may be easy enough to fix. Others, however, might prove overwhelming. If you are unable to make the necessary changes on your own, you may want to invest in the services of a company that can handle the mobile-readiness issue for you. And here comes us Roopokar Creative Studio, we are making mobile ready site for years all our sites are responsive to all the electronic device
Now let me Put it in simple words, if you want to look good on goggle and as well as attract customers, you have to ask yourself. Is your site mobile-ready? If not, how are you planning to overcome that? And if you make your website mobile ready, it will win you more customers.