Rank factors of Google
Every day is a new day and a new day means an innovation, new product, new technology, new policies, and new rules. To walk with New, things should be updated. Google is always updated with their policies to remain on the track, and others are always following them. But some are remaining with them and others are losing track. Here comes Roopokar to help you find the track and going to discuss some factors need to keep in mind in 2019 to rank your website. Here are 10 rank factors for google’s website ranking with two extra.
- Domain Factors
- Page-Level Factors
- Mobile-Friendly Web
- Broken Links
- Server Location
- Diversity of Link Types
- Number of comments
- Brand Value
- IP Address
- Google Sandbox
- Google Dance
- Safe Search
Domain Factors
Keyword Appears in Top-Level Domain: Top-Level Domain (TLD), it is a part of domain and comes after the dot. They can be com, org, net, tv, etc. (e.g. roopokar.com)
Keyword as Initial Word in Domain: The first keyword in the domain is very important than the middle and last word.
Keyword in Sub-domain: Sub-domains are added before the main domain and separated by a period. www.roopokar.com is a domain name where “www” is a sub-domain and separated by (.) a period.
Domain Age: Domain age refers to the length of time a website is registered and active. Google gives it a priority as a trusted website because of its active period.
Domain History: Domain history indicates its overall background through time.
Country TLD extension: Country Code Top-Level Domain (CTLD) helps a website ranking for that country but sometimes limits the site’s global ranking.
Page-Level Factors
Keywords in Title Tag: Words in title tag plays a role in Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you are looking for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) then a title having ERP will help more than having that in the description.
Title Tag Starts with Keyword: Title tags that start with a keyword have a better chance to get extra priority than the keyword at the end of the tag.
TF-IDF: Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) shows the frequency of a word in a document. If a word comes more frequently, Google determines the document is about that frequent word. Google uses a sophisticated version of TF-IDF.
Content-Length: Content with more words cover a broad area, there it gets more scope to discuss a topic. Google’s TF-IDF notify that as more informative and more focused content.
Page Loading Speed: Page loading speed reduces the time to get into a page and that helps to reduce the user to get bored. Usually, they do not want to surf a slow website. Google also uses Chrome user data for better handling a page’s loading time. In that way, they measure a page’s loading time to users.
Entity Match: If a page’s content matches the “entity” a person is searching for. Then the page may get a ranking boost for that keyword. File name, text, title, description and caption can play a role in this factor (e.g. searching for IT services, Google search can show related services)
Mobile-Friendly Web
Websites need to be mobile-friendly so they do not distort during moving from one platform to another.
Broken Links
Too many broken links on a page indicates a neglected or abandoned site. It might reduce the quality of a website.
Server Location
The server location helps to increase geo-specific google search.
Diversity of Link Types
Links from diverse sources indicates a natural link profile, many links coming from a single source may be a sign of web spam.
Number of Comments
Pages with lots of comments are a sign of user-interaction, user-friendly and quality page.
Brand Vale
Google always gives priority to renowned brands. Band value can be increased by adding social media linkage.
You can see ours at Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/roopokar/ and Tweet at https://twitter.com/roopokar
IP Address
If a website server’s IP address is flagged as spam, it can affect all sites on that server.
Google Sandbox
A sudden influx of links for a new website can be a cause to put the site in the Google Sandbox. That temporarily limits Google search visibility.
Google Dance
The Google Dance sometimes temporarily shake up rankings. This is a way for Google to identify a site if it is trying to game the algorithm.
Safe Search
Having curse word and adult content on a website prevents it to open in save search mode in a browser.
There are other additional minor factors, but these are the majors. You should always keep in mind to rank your website. If you need any website, HR management software, ERP solution, we will be happy to hear from you.