Let’s unveil the SEO chemistry.
Now a days SEO is a mainstream word and becomes one of the major portion for Digital marketing. Many of us only heard about this name or only know that it is a process of turning a website in the top of the search engine result page, but most of the people don’t know how SEO works to turn up a website. so today we will learn about the process of SEO.
So, lets dive into the matter. There are several tricks and techniques to show up a website at the top of the Search engine result page. These are easy but bit more technical so you have to understand the matter well to crack the nutshell. Each search engine has their unique and special chemistry to rank a website higher or lower in the search engine. But generally there are some common ways that we can predict, in these ways website can rank in the top positions of the search engine. So, what are these ways !!!
Okay, let’s not give time on the outlying matter of SEO. Let’s get started the exact points.
The freshness of the content:
Search engine store website’s page according to its category. Search engine always looks for the new and freshness of the content contents. If the search engine gets the same content in different pages it may choose the 1st indexed website though the 2nd or 3rd don’t copy intentionally from the 1st website and make the penalty for the 2nd and 3rd. So, the content of the website should be free from all types of plagiarism.
It is generally called the suggestion our sites. If there is a link of your site to the other website, search engine supposes that this site is recommending your site that your website is good. Let’s make the matter easy, say for an example, if you are a manager of HR of a company, which person do you recruit in your company who is recommended by your friends or relatives, or a person who is completely unknown. Obviously, the person who is recommended by your relatives or friends. Search engine choose the position of the website in the same way as like the above-mentioned recruitment.
Social Media:
Social media is a vital platform that helps to control the reputation of a website. When a site is constantly shared on the social media, it means to the Search engine that people love this site so they share this site on social media. Search engine considers social media sharing for ranking up a website in the Search engine result page (SERP).
Beside these points, there are also several points which are considered by the search engine.
Meta tag , keyword density, keyword in the title should perfectly be arranged in a website so that search can find your site easily when a person searches for a keyword that relates to your one. Now a days, in different content management systems (CMS), meta tag and keyword density fixing can easily be done through SEO plugins
Probably these above-mentioned topics can help you to better understand the SEO and the working procedure for the search engine.