Integrated Communications
The first step to integration is to understand your existing systems. Do you have your own Website, Blog, Email newsletter, Paper magazine or newsletter, Direct mailing service, Facebook Company page, Linked in Company page, Twitter, Youtube video Channel, Tumbler & Pinterest account? Which online and offline channel you are using to promote your services or products? Are there enough traffic?…
Digital Strategy
Every effective digital marketing strategy starts with knowing potential customer and Your Goals. Business Level Strategy, Corporate Level Strategy, International Strategy any strategy you want to apply the first thing is knowing the market.
Social Media Strategy
Now everyone is on social media. All over the world social media is widely used as a strong tool for marketing and promotional work. To use social media for effective promotional tool you need to have a strategic planning and execution. We can offer you a customized social media strategy for your organization or any particular product or services you offer.
Content Strategy
The art of creating, publication, and governance of useful usable content is content strategy. content strategy helps you manage content as a business asset. Content is where your customer valued you a professional and excellent content strategy helps you to convert the traffic into potential customers.
Promotional Strategy
Promotion is one of the key elements of the marketing. A promotional strategy and the process involves some key decisions about who the customer is? How to contact them? and what the message should be? These questions can be answered using a creative and strong promotional strategy.
User Experience Strategy
A successful user experience strategy cover 4 things a. Learning about your users, b. Modeling your users, c. Analyzing your users’ tasks, c. Producing and defining clear product requirements. It is necessary to understand the habits and cultures about the targeted market of the product before it is designed.
Brand Strategy
A successful brand strategy can take you beyond your expectation. Developing a brand strategy include your website, social media integration and other offline marketing policies. Building relationships with consumers is always challenging. Being an on-trend, relevant, inspiring, purposeful, innovative and community centric branding these are the things that will make people pause, listen and pay attention towards you.
Consumer Profiling
No matter what is your product and service is you need to know your customers. If you know exactly who is your customers than it is easy to formulate any strategy. Customer profiling is a key analysis necessary to project the size of the total market opportunity, and project revenue. By identifying and understanding (Profiling) the customers in the clusters you can gain the desired penetration, you can target marketing or business activities to those who are most likely to purchase your products or services.
Relationship & Intelligence Strategy
Building relationships with customers or potential customers is the necessary steps to survive in the market. And for an effective relationship building requires rare intelligence strategies. What is the view point form your perspective towards customers and what your customers thinks about you matter a lot to initiate any new product or service.
Training & Education
Training and education is essential. Roopokar creative Studio offers Taining on Graphics Design, Website design and development, Php, Html and many more. If you need any assistance for your website customized training you can contact us.

Cross-Channel Promotional Ideas
Cross-Channel Strategies offers readers an inside look at the successful cross-channel promotions, campaigns and programs employed by industry leaders. Effective use of all online and offline marketing channels is not difficult. It just need to do some planning according to the targeted customers. It requires a more complex understanding of users unique needs across channels, and consistency between all the channels. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all strategy, even within channels.
Social Content Creation
We are all using social media for our business but the question is each and every social media require huge amount of content and a strategic way to use those content. A smart content can show your customer your quality and dedication towards customers. We can create smart content for your company. Our specialist writing and design team can create both image and text that will be your proven asset in the long run.
Digital, TV and Radio Copywriting
To sell your product or service and convinces prospective customers to take action copywriting is must. No matter what media you are using you need a good copywriting service to represent yourself. If you can make people to pay attention they will buy anything you are selling. To increase your sell and profit you need to use copywriting as a smart tool for your marketing.
Graphic Design
Our core service is graphic design. We have a professional team of well-educated and extraordinary talented graphic designers. Whether you are interested in creative logos, marketing brochures, newsletters, trade show displays or point-of-purchase designs, Website Mock-up, Banner Ad for classified sites our professional and talented graphic designers are here to produce your idea – into a reality . Our extraordinary talented graphic designers, art directors, visualizers and copy writers are standing by to help you develop professional marketing communications for all online and offline media.
Our 2D and the 3D animators can create attention-grabbing videos that will help boost your brand, product or service through social networking sites. Bitmap graphics or 2D vector graphics are first created and then animated. We can breathe life into 3D characters and images for your movie, product demos, game, television program or presentation most importantly in your website. Our Services covers Flash Animation, Animated videos, Animated Storyboards, Animatics, Animated, illustrations, Specialized Animation Services, Animation for e-learning, Animation for websites, Animation for companies, Animation for entertainment/ media.
Usability Design
Usability design is a philosophy of designing to meet users need. If you prefer always your choice to create a website or software it may not be the best idea to portrait your business image towards your customers. So you need a website or software that is user-centered design for creating a good user experience. In Roopokar Creative Studio our professional market research team asses your customer’s need and use it to perform any design and development job. As the result you get the most user centric website or software you need.
Video Production
Promotional Video production for the purpose of Presentation of Company has become one of the famous forms of communicating benefits to a target audience. The last decade the marketing policies and action has radically changed into digital form rather than using the traditional methods. All businesses, small and large, are jumping on board to get their start with Multimedia production for their consumers demand it.
Audio Production
Roopokar Creative Studio has a team of specialized producers who offer audio production services fit for current media. We try to ensure world class quality production services for individual, private and corporations and their particular projects. We are specialized in voice recording, Song Writing, Voice acting talent, Sound mixing, composition and so on.

Branded Entertainment and Experiences.
Brands have been positioning themselves for years with particular emotions. Established brands are looking towards creating branded entertainment. Looking to go deeper, connect with emotions with customers. This is the key of your brand that how it is connected.
Social Applications and Widgets.
A reason to include social media widgets on an e-commerce site would be to highlight promotions or campaigns. For example, including a Twitter widget related to certain hash tag, and you could show the buzz people are generating regarding your promotions/campaigns. Contac us for the best social application fit for your own website.
API/Platform Development
There are typically two use cases for APIs. The first is building a developer community to extend the ability of your platform.. The second is building a service that other people can use and pay you for; sometimes APIs as a service are free and monetized by other means. Both use cases make it much easier for a company to get functionality they need and partner with another company without the heavy lifting of custom integrations for each partnership.
Database schematics.
A database schematic is a way to logically group objects such as views, tables, stored procedures etc. Think of a schematic as a container of objects.
Rich Media.
Rich media is an Internet advertising term for a Web page ad that uses advanced technology such as streaming video, downloaded applet s (programs) that interact instantly with the user, and ads that change when the user’s mouse passes over it. With the proper content creation we can provide you the Rich Media in Bangladesh.
Mobile and Tablet Applications and Advertising
If you want to be visible in the market and crate direct marketing channel your first step is Mobile and Tablet Applications and Advertising. Not only that Build Brand and Recognition as well as for improving customer engagement you need a custom made mobile and tablet application created by Roopokar Creative Studio.
Using HTML5 and CSS3 provides benefits to businesses that develop and deploy web content and web applications, to create advanced and accurate web pages and web systems that operate across devices, operating systems and web browsers.
.net Server delivers easier management and greater scalability not only that new security features in .net Server can be very useful for your business.
PHP is is one of the most loved development platform of the world. As it is cost effective and efficient we also love to develop solution with PHP. We have created several projects on PHP and able to create almost any solution needed for business automation.

Media Planning & Buying.
To reach the targeted and potential customers we first plan the advertising campaign towards the excellence. Cause an outstanding and exceptional media plan can be the key of how you using your media and your conversion of customers. Roopokar Creative Studio negotiates the best possible prices with all the media owners like TV and Radio channels, Website, Social, Magazine Publishers any space or airtime both audio-visuals. We ensure your product positioning by choosing the right place within the media for your message to appear.
Ad Serving & Trafficking
In one word technically setting up an ad campaign is Ad serving and Trafficking. It is very important to know What? Where? How? And When? to use a campaign. A successful marketing campaign depend on the right answer of these question. If you do not know these here come us cause we know.
Traditional Media Planning & Buying.
Many business is still believe that Traditional Media is the best choice for them. They are not wrong. Professional flyers, billboards, TV Commercials, Radio Ad and paper or magazines are the great source of customers. But a successful media planer and buyers make them real quality. For 6 years we are making TV Ad and designing paper Ad we know the trends of different business. We can established your product or service.
Social Media Community Management & Monitoring.
Social media is an ongoing things it is like a furnished garden that constantly needs to be watered, fertilized and cared for. If you let it go the weeds will set in and things can grow wild and grow unworthy.
Social Media Outreach
No matter how great your content is, if nobody knows about it, it is useless and thus you need to show them to the world in a right manner. If you want your content get seen by large numbers of people and if you want to ensure maximum connectivity you need complete guidance .
Behavioural Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation divides a population based on their behavior, the way the population respond to, use or know of a product or service. It is a careful study of market and customers. To achieve the sales and Ad target it is necessary.
Market Segmentation
To produce a commercial advantage, to reduce risk and finally to create a strategy “map” of profitability you need to know market segmentation. Study the market for sure success.
Analytics Reporting.
The best part of digital marketing is it’s live reporting system. We can analyze effectiveness our communication live and adapt with the result. Roopokar takes the advantage and provide this facility to client to sit on the top and observe real-time reporting of the campaign.
SEO is one of the most tricky part of digital marketing. We are keenly observing the evolution of SEO techniques over time. We have mastered the best possible way to make your site searchable and prominent on search result page.