As technology grows into the mass population intertwining the life of a commoner with the commodities of contextual importance, the ways of increasing the reach to the mass through virtual media has boomed big time over the past few years.
The importance of websites for reaching out is paramount for quite some time now, and it has been increasingly vital to stand-out from the rest in an attempt to be heard. Because now, it is not a matter of what to deliver, it is a race of who is heard the most. With such competitive environments that looms large over web-designers to innovate, create and connect through design is an ever-changing context to deal with.
Web design trends, as a result is evolving fast and furious, with new and newer concepts being materialized every moment in all contextual fields, with Bangladesh being no exception. Notable though, are some innovative parameters that have slowly guided the web design trends to a level of progressive betterment in terms of expressing to the consumer what the product is all about.
The discussion can pan out in terms of the latest trends in web design that has raised the bar for the year to come. A few most important ones are unveiled below:
Responsive design-the first priority
With the vast availability and usage of smart-phones even in developing countries like Bangladesh, and the accessibility to internet at a reasonable cost, it is seen that now a days browsing through smart devices and mobile phones has been a common daily activity. Starting from the booming businessman who is not so tech-savvy to the vegetable vendor, everyone now has access to smart devices and internet. Keeping that in mind, web designs which have historically evolved to grace the screens of desktops and/or laptops cannot be the answer. Responsive designs which interact to the user in all browsers and for a wide range of smart-devices are the ones which would get more selling points.
Bringing in the app-like interface
Many high-profile web designs of contemporary times have applied an innovation in terms of bringing in the simple yet user-friendly outlook of the web-interface that uses flat designs arranged in modules, much like the arrangement of various apps in an operating system of mobile phones. The simple idea with simply designed modules not only organizes the information but also gives the familiarity factor to the users who look for user-friendly options.
The easier to load, the friendlier
The weight of the website is another important factor that makes a great difference in the popularity of usage for sites that has to compete by providing information/products of competitive nature. One will never go back to a site that take too long to load, and considering that many web-designs have specifically worked on how to decrease the weight of the site to bring the information faster and thus make virtual friendship with the user.
Getting the context right
Moving into ideological concepts, it is not easy to pre-determine what might work and what not, but being safe is not the way to go that’s for sure. Many web developments in Bangladesh have taken the safest routes, only tweaking here and there with minimum customizations to produce websites that look like prototypes of one another, seeming meant for a purpose of just having a website and nothing more. The core concept of the company/product/idea has to be expressed in the most convenient way, devoid of thoughts of how a basic website looks like in the pre-conceived perception of the user. It is the responsibility of the designer to bring out the life of the commodity to the consumer through creative analysis of context and not just going with the flow of prototypical consistency.
Defining beauty
Beauty could be defined in millions of ways, and current web design trends portray innovative explorations. Various media of portrayals could be identified in great web designs: the usage of image-free backgrounds with well thought-out large typography, high-quality custom photographs, animated elements and vibrant color schemes are just a few worth mentioning. Put into context, any of the above-mentioned factors could dramatically change the brand-value from prototypical to original and beautiful.
Increasing interaction
The one vital factor that can emotionally attach the user to the web site is the factor of interactive dialogue. The smart web designs tend to keep scopes for emotional involvement not only in terms of the visual beauty but also in terms of unveiling the stories behind the commodity in interesting relatable manner. A few such attempts of contemporary times make us of interactive story-telling techniques through design that engages the consumer emotionally, and if add-ons like designed small-data sections for micro-interaction within an activity are present, the web site suddenly turns from gloom to boom!
The on-going trends in web design in context of Bangladesh have been majorly focused in the write-up. Issues of visual design trends have been over-viewed and interactive techniques like the pros of having scroll options over clicks and creating knowledge-dissipating initiatives like providing open data have not been explored in detail. It all can go step by step, the progressive development of web design in Bangladesh, but in the meantime it is never too late to brush aside the past and look into the infinite horizon of possibilities in the field. It is a matter of recognizing and prioritizing what makes a particular web design original, that’s all.