If you are thinking about to building your own website, first thing in your mind comes how long it will be updated accordingly. Because we can thank to the current technology for its ever changing behavior. You do not put all of your effort such as finding and choosing unique design, creating content, coming up with a site map, learning how to use it for only one year right? Or you probably do not want to have to go through all of this every single year, or even every other year.
Yes it is true that no website is everlasting. But if you are careful enough you can make it that might last a good 3 to even 8 years. And with the right amount maintenance and proper updates it can last more. And for that here are some quick and simple tips for the website for tomorrow from roopokar creative studio serving the web industry since 2009.
Use a widely use community supported platform:
By using widely used community supported platform I mean the platforms that have been used by so many web developers such as WordPress and Drupal. Most of the websites are using these so you can be assured that these are not fading away soon. WordPress has about 60,000,000 users; it is not likely the market is going to vanish overnight. If it does happen, it is going to take years, giving you more than enough time to change plan.
Responsive Website Design:
It is the age of multiple devices such as apple I phone I-pad, Samsung galaxy and thousands of variety androids so no matter what is in the back end you always make your website to this device friendly to reach the potential visitors. Responsive Website Design means that the website ‘responds’ to the width of the device it is being viewed on. This is also called Device Agnostic Website Design because the website ‘doesn’t care’ what device it’s on. This is done by using special coding that allows many different widths of devices to still view content on the web the way it was intended to by the developer.
Quality Content:
Quality content is the core of any well-performing website. If you want your website to do well and stand the test of time, then its content has to be brilliant.
Quality content ensuring by three simple steps:
- It has to be relevant to your audience. This means it gives users the information they are looking for and, as a result of this, makes good use of the appropriate keywords. Of course, this should also help your site to rank well among others.
- It must be flawless and easy to read. This means that your quality of writing and standards of grammar must be impeccable. If your writing is poor quality or difficult to understand, no-one will trust your website or refer others for revisit.
- It must be up to date. This ties in with the idea of relevance, but deserves its own point. To make sure your content remains useful and current, you will need to review it regularly.
So it is easy and simple to build your own website which may not last forever but at least for the next 5 years you are set if you follow the tricks and let us know if you need any help regarding website design and development or digital marketing at sales@roopokar.com or +88 01715374237.