Everyone is looking for a website nowadays. There are hundreds of thousands websites and there are more and more coming out every day. But the question is do all the websites are full filling the needs of the persons or business? And how do you determine which key elements you need to make or renovate your website? Here we discuss some of the most important key elements for what we need for a high quality website development.
Quality Content: We all heard that “content is King” but what make a content a king? And what makes it “Not King”? Quality king content is most of all original, thoughtful, perfectly optimized to the information that people are searching for the certain business industry you belong. Quality content are those that are informative, people tend to like and share and talk about. This quality content will help you to rank better in the search engines and it will aid you customers with all manners.
Google is moving towards analyzing topics and context, not just keywords. Focus on developing content for users, not search engines and focus on developing longer content. Most of the top ranking site 900+ words per page. An Ideal blog post length for a site is between 2000 to 2450+ words long from a SEO perspective. Sites with more words in the copy inhabit superior ranking positions. A blog post length from reader’s perspective is more about 1,600 words.
Responsiveness: Smartphone and tablet adoption rapidly increases, and so the importance of mobile-friendly responsive websites. If SEO is a core component of your digital marketing strategy, getting a mobile–friendly website is vital. Mobile sales have already overhauled desktop sales, and mobile Internet usage is predicted to overtake desktop internet usage by this year. Responsive design allows you to stay onward of the trend. With the increase in Tablet sales and smartphone device use multiplying, responsive design is key to keeping up ahead of your competitors and reach the potential customers more and more.
Images and Videos: The web pages in top rankings have an average of 7 images Blog posts with images and videos are more engaging for visitors. You should include an image or a video for each new topics of you post. Because people feel more connected with images and videos compare to the text. A beautiful and significant image will catch the eyes of the visitors and then they will attract the viewer’s towards your writing. Always remember to “alter tag” your images and videos for better ranking in search engines.
Spelling and Grammar: spelling & Grammar mistakes make you look bad in the eyes of your customer. Just think for a moment, why would an engine show a page of content with errors such as spelling and grammar mistake, higher in the rankings when other pages of error free content exist to serve the searcher. Flawless copy writing always makes you look professional not only to the search engines but also it is very important for your customers and potential customers. 42.5% of customers are turned off by poor spelling or grammar. Read your copy at least 2 times before you publish it. It is better to hire an editor to proofread and edit your post.
Readable: when the text, images and videos are easy to understood that’s call readability. Use the Flesch reading ease formula to determine the readability of your text. High ranking texts are easier to read. Use shorter sentences, paragraphs and active verb forms. Remove all clutter, unnecessary wilds and limit the use of adverbs/adjectives. Keep sentences and paragraphs short. Use bold and italics to highlight important parts.
Formatting: Use H1/H2 tags, number lists and bullet points to break down your content. . Keep sentences and paragraphs short. Use bold and italics to highlight important parts. 79% of users always scan web pages. Google can detect page layout that are in good format. High quality content is easier to read, and suitable for scanning and skimming. Visitors are less likely to read a post with poor formatting or difficult to read.
Expertise: High quality pages and websites need enough expertise to be authoritative. Focus on writing detailed, well-research. posts. Link to other posts and give examples to support your points. The expertise of the author is a critical factor for any content to be considered high quality and trustworthy on their topic. People want to read posts from experts that can dig into a topic and explain it
Social Media: Place your social media sharing icons visible on the page and Include call-to-action for people to share. High quality content tends to be shared more . More social media shares correlate engine ranking.
Here are some top reason why you should place social media collaborated with your website:
- Increased Brand Recognition
- Decreased Marketing Costs
- Better Search Engine Rankings
- Higher conversion rates
- Increased Inbound Traffic
Reference: Pages that rank better generally contain a better internal link structure with more links. The URL that you link to and the anchor text need to be relevant to your content. Linking to valuable external resources pleasures your visitors. Emphasis on building a nice internal link architecture with good top rated site. Never link to unrelated pages that does not concern your business.
forbes.com // onforb.es/1CDx5Y1
supportgoogle.com // bit.ly/1yHh8eJ
busIness2communny.com // bit.ly/tydNDTZ
forbes.com // onforb.estRSOSOV
searchmetr1cs.com // bitly/tyLffs0
blog.serplg.com // bit.ly/121PFDz
fastcompany.com // bit.ly/1CDxvhu
medlum.com // bit.ly/ItCalcKI
youtube.com // bitly/1rSR000
shoutmeloud.com // bitly/1v1Vugg
uxmyths.com // bitlytIvMt7g7
quIcksprout.com// bitly/1pOLORJ
blIndfiveyearold.com // bit.ly/IFMtxkM
moz.com // bit.y/tyLwal